sabato 17 settembre 2011

Anche Mago Merlino aveva un maestro :)

Left and right,                                                                     
Like day and night,
That's what makes the world go

In and out,                                                                       
Thin and stout,                                                   

That's what makes the world go

For every up there is a down,
For every square there is a round,
For every high there is a low,
For every to there is a fro...
To and fro,
Stop and go,
That's what makes the world go round 

(La Spada nella roccia - W. Disney - 1963)

Up and down, forward and backward, left and right,
It's all the same.
All of this is done with the Yi,
Not externally.
If there is a top, there is a bottom;
If there is a front, there is a back;
If there is a left, there is a right
(Trattato di Tai Chi Chuan - Chang San-Feng - 
XIII ° secolo)

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