sabato 27 ottobre 2012

... to live is not very easy, to live is to move freely without any reservation, without any inhibition, in all the elements of spontaneity, with all the fearlessness of humility, to move with the movements of life, and to go through the challenges of life without friction.
When you meet a challenge and that meeting leads to a friction within you, something is missing. If you go through a relationship without friction within you, but with friction outside you , a disharmony, a disorder outside, then something is missing.
A note of music born out of the silence of the heart brings the unmanifest sounds into the world  of manifestation harmoniously and goes back into the unmanifest without causing  friction. When the note is not precise,it causes friction, first in the vocal chords of the musician himself and then in others' chords; it causes a  kind of disharmony even in the space through which it travels...
(Vimala Thakar)

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